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ChatGPT Masterclass: The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering

ChatGPT Unlocked: 10x Your Productivity & Career, 100+ AI Prompts, Master Marketing, Creativity & Prompt Engineering.
Robin & Jesper
14,035 students enrolled
Simplified Chinese [Auto]
Learn new skills with ChatGPT.
Automate tasks using ChatGPT.
Code with ChatGPT.
Find jobs with ChatGPT.
Digital marketing with ChatGPT.
Find recipes using ChatGPT.
Financial planning with ChatGPT.
Optimize workflows with ChatGPT.
Create educational content with ChatGPT.
Creative writing with ChatGPT.
SEO-optimize with ChatGPT.
Health & fitness with ChatGPT.
Salary negotiate with ChatGPT.
Resume & cover letter with ChatGPT.
Website building with ChatGPT.
Email marketing with ChatGPT.
Prompt engineering with ChatGPT
Ad copies with ChatGPT

Welcome to the ChatGPT Masterclass!

This ChatGPT Masterclass: The Guide to AI & Prompt Engineering is your all-access pass to the future of AI.

Here’s Your Learning Journey:

  • Understanding & Mastering ChatGPT: You’ll get a deep understanding of AI and language models, focusing on ChatGPT. We’ve designed this section to turn this complex tool into something easy to understand and master.

  • Practicing & Applying ChatGPT: You’ll go beyond theory. With hands-on exercises, we’ll help you transform your understanding into skill, enabling you to produce amazing content in record time.

  • Art of Prompt Engineering: This is where you’ll learn how to command AI, crafting effective prompts that draw out the precise responses you need from ChatGPT. It’s a game-changer.

  • ChatGPT in the Real World: Here’s where theory meets practice. We’ll explore diverse applications of ChatGPT in your everyday personal and professional life, showing you how to revolutionize everything from writing to research.

  • Career Transformation with AI: We’ll give you the tools to catapult your career into the future, using AI to gain a competitive edge in digital marketing, job applications, networking, and more.

Take A Look at These Top Rated Reviews…

This masterclass has been a big transformation for me. – Asuka

Robin and Jesper made learning about AI so engaging. My productivity has gone through the roof after implementing the teachings from the course! Most complete course on ChatGPT so far. Samir B

This course, it is not only talk, it shows us the power of AI in practical ways.Jane R

Why You Can’t Afford to Miss This Course:

In the digital era, AI mastery isn’t optional—it’s critical. This course isn’t just about learning a tool; it’s about gearing up for the future. By embracing the power of Chat GPT by OpenAI, you’ll position yourself at the forefront of the AI revolution.

Who Should Enroll?

You. Whether you’re an AI enthusiast, a professional looking to upscale skills, a content creator, a marketer, or a student, this course is for anyone who wants to be on the winning side of the AI-dominated era.

You Can Expect:

  • Lifetime Access to Future Updates

  • 100+ ChatGPT & Analytics Intelligence Prompts

  • 142 Pages Marketing Strategy Guidebook

  • A Variety of Free Tools, Articles & Templates

  • 24 Hour Support Mon-Fri in the Q&A section

  • Downloadable Certificate of Completion

It’s Time to Dive In:

Your journey into the fascinating world of AI and ChatGPT is a click away. Don’t let the future pass you by. Hit the enroll button and let’s revolutionize our technological lives, step-by-step.

Remember, the future of AI starts today, and it starts with you. Let’s make an impact, one prompt at a time. The clock is ticking. The future is calling. Will you answer?


Robin & Jesper


How to Use This Course

In this lecture you'll learn how to use this entire course and get the most out of it!

Understanding & Mastering ChatGPT

ChatGPT Explained

In this lecture you'll learn what ChatGPT is, how it works and why it's currently changing the world.

How to Use ChatGPT

In this lecture you'll learn how ChatGPT works and how to best use it, including 6 different modes you can activate at any time. Check the resources for quick access!

Image Analysis

In this lecture you'll learn how to give ChatGPT eyes and ask it questions about images. You can do anything from fixing problems, to taking a picture of your fridge and ask for cooking recipes. You'll learn practical useful everyday uses inside.

Web Browsing

In this lecture you'll learn a couple of great prompt examples that maximizes ChatGPT's web browing function. Some of these examples will likely serve you on a daily basis.

Image Generation

In this lecture you'll learn how to create images using ChatGPTs DALL-E 3 software.

Voice Conversation

In this lecture you'll learn how to have a live voice conversation with ChatGPT. Imagine getting an actual live translator that's with you wherever you go. This and more examples will be presented in the lecture.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering Explained

In this lecture you'll learn what prompt engineering is, how it works and why it's the key to master ChatGPT.

Prompt Framework

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with a framework to get a jump-start in your prompt engineering skills!

Custom Instructions

In this lecture you'll learn how to set custom instructions to ChatGPT that'll automatically be applied to every new chat. It comes with a copy-paste template that'll guide you to maximizing the efficiency on your instructions–leading to better replies.

Prompt Priming

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with more context (called priming) to drastically improve the accuracy and quality of your answers.


In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with iterations to focus-in your answers towards completing the task you're asking for as accurately as possible.

0-1-Few Shot

In this lecture you'll learn how, and when to add in multiple examples to ChatGPT to get more specific answers. 0-1-Few refers to the amount of examples, all ruled by the needed level of specificity.

Output Templates

In this lecture you'll learn how to guide ChatGPT to give you replies (outputs) in specific formats. We call these Output Templates.


In this lecture you'll learn how to prompt ChatGPT to not only give you the specific answer you're looking for, but also the reasoning and logical process behind how it came to that specific conclusion.

Act As

In this lecture you'll learn how to prepare ChatGPT with an "act as" prompt in order to pre-install a certain expertise and give your answers an unique bias.


In this lecture you'll learn prompts to get multiple perspectives on a single subject.

4th Grader

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to simplify complex texts into something understandable.

Follow-up Questions

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with follow-up questions to improve your results.

Tabular Format

In this lecture you'll learn how to turn any ChatGPT replies into a table format by using simple prompt instructions, along with examples!


In this lecture you'll learn how to compare two or more things side by side. Since ChatGPT has internet access using Bing, this is incredibly powerful.


In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT with longs texts and have them summarized.

Critique Me

In this lecture you'll learn prompt ChatGPT to give you constructive feedback on anything you've created.

Critique Yourself

In this lecture you'll learn how to have ChatGPT give you a specific output, critique it, any then apply that critique to instantly improve it.

Teach Me

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to educate yourself in literally any subject.

Write Like Me

In this lecture you'll learn how to teach ChatGPT to adapt to your writing style in preparation of creating any future content.

Ask for Advice

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT as a friend and ask for advice in difficult situations.


In this lecture you'll learn the laddering method where you take any complex issue or subject and break it down into multiple parts and then prompt those parts one-by-one until the entire complex issue is completed.

Advanced Prompt Engineering & Fine Tuning

In this lecture you'll learn how to combine different prompt engineering techniques and fine tune them in order to take your results to the next level.

Advanced Prompt Engineering


Plugins Explained

In this lecture you'll learn what plugins are and how they work.

Prompt Perfect

In this lecture you'll learn how to use the Prompt Perfect plugin that allows you to take any basic prompt and instantly develop it into a more comprehensive prompt.

AI Tools Guide

In this lecture you'll learn how to find the AI solution to whichever problem you may be facing, even beyond ChatGPT.

Generate Videos

In this lecture you'll learn how to create videos using text inputs with ChatGPT using Visla.

Generate Audios

In this lecture you'll learn how to create audios from text inputs using Speechki.

Visual Learning

In this lecture you'll learn to allow ChatGPT to present you with more visual solutions when teaching you.

Transcribe YouTube Videos

In this lecture you'll learn how to transcribe YouTube videos.

Travel Booking

In this lecture you'll learn how to book any trip with Expedia using ChatGPT.

Charts & Calculations

In this lecture you'll learn how to do complex calculations using Wolfram.

Science Research

In this lecture you'll learn how to find peer-reviewed journals and scientific literature using ChatGPT.

Uninstall Plugins

In this lecture you'll learn how to uninstall any plugin you've installed.

Content Creation

Blog Posts & Articles

In this lecture you'll learn how to create blog posts and articles quickly and effectively using ChatGPT.

Social Media Content

In this lecture you'll learn how to create social media content in no time with ChatGPT Prompts.

Ad Copy & Marketing Materials

In this lecture you'll learn how to create engaging and persuasive ads with ChatGPT.

Creative Writing

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT as a creative mastermind for your writing.


In this lecture you'll learn how the incredible combination of ChatGPT, Google Keyword Planner and Moz Bar can quickly help you create SEO-optimized content.

Educational Content

In this lecture you'll learn how to create educational content such as multi-choice quizzes using ChatGPT.

Content Creation

Research & Information Synthesis

Summarizing Articles & Documents

In this lecture you'll learn how to summarize large amounts of data and articles.

Generating Research Ideas

In this lecture you'll learn how to generate research ideas and then organize those using a combination of ChatGPT and Trello.

Fact-checking & Validating Information

In this lecture you'll learn how to fact check and validate all the information that ChatGPT provides you. While ChatGPT is an incredibly smart language model, it does lie and produce misinformation. And in the end, it's our responsibility to make sure that the information we use is valid. Here's how.

Information Curation

In this lecture you'll learn how to create a structured outline and curate your content using ChatGPT.

Discussion Initiator

In this lecture you'll learn how to generate insightful and engaging questions for your guests using ChatGPT.

Research & Information Synthesis

Personal & Professional Development

Goal Setting & Tracking

In this lecture you'll learn how to set a SMART goal with ChatGPT, and use Trello to track it properly. While you provide the context, ChatGPT will create the entire plan for you. Then all there's to it is just to do it!

Learning New Skills & Topics

In this lecture you'll learn... how to learn! Using ChatGPT. It'll open up doors to access any skill at any time.

Enhancing Communication Skills

In this lecture you'll learn how to enhance your communication skills whether that's digitally or in real life.

Find Cooking Recipes

In this lecture you'll learn how to find cooking recipes for any occasion. Whether that's for creativity or quick practicality, you'll have instant access to the biggest recipe book in the world.

Financial Planning Assistance

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT for financial planning, whether that's for your own budget or learning trading.

Career Transition Strategy

In this lecture you'll learn how to strategically transition from one career into another, using ChatGPT.

Personal & Professional Development

Productivity & Time Management

Streamlining Workflows

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to streamline any workflow.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

In this lecture you'll learn how to automate repetitive tasks to focus more on creative problem-solving on more important tasks.

Prioritizing & Scheduling

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to prioritize and schedule any upcoming assignments plans involving multiple steps.

Task Delegation

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to delegate your tasks effectively.

Time Blocking

In this lecture you'll learn how to set up a time blocking schedule to maximize your productivity, using ChatGPT.

Productivity & Time Management

Market Research

Market Research Explained

In this lecture you'll learn the steps to perform effective market research for your marketing strategy using chatGPT. You'll get demo products included in case you don't have your own.

Product Details

In this lecture you'll get important information about your product using copy-paste chatGPT prompts. You'll get access to your product's benefits and features, which will be used throughout the strategy.

Target Audience Persona

In this lecture you'll learn how to create a target audience persona (also sometimes called a buyer persona) using copy-paste chatGPT prompts. You'll get an amazing amount of data on your most potential buyer, which we will then add into your guidebook and use as a future reference for building the rest of the strategy.

Competitor Analysis

In this lecture you'll learn how to find your top 3 competitors, create a pros and cons list of their performance using their reviews with a copy-paste ChatGPT prompt, and then turn all those pros and cons lists into constructive feedback that we'll turn into a viable marketing strategy to beat our competitors.

Website Building

Website Building Explained

In this lecture you'll get an overview of the website building section of the strategy and learn how the website will look like that we're about to build, and how we'll build it using the copy-paste ChatGPT prompts in the Marketing Strategy Guidebook.

Install WordPress

In this lecture you'll learn how to install WordPress with a single click. After this lecture you'll have an actual website up and running that we can start designing as our own!

Install a Theme

In this lecture you'll learn how to install a theme with a starter kit in order to start off with a completely designed website. This will make it much easier to quickly design a professional website when all we need to do is tweak it with out product and ChatGPT texts along with our fonts and colors and necessary pages. Basically, we'll get most of the hard work done for it with a single install!

Website Title & Logo

In this lecture you'll learn how to create a unique website logo for your website along with a ChatGPT prompted tagline. You'll also learn how to design a nice favicon.


In this lecture you'll learn how to create the most important pages on your website such as a privacy policy, terms & conditions and a refunds & returns policy. All with the help of our great friend ChatGPT!

Header & Footer Menu

In this lecture you'll learn how to create your header and your footer. We'll write a short "about" section at the bottom of the section using a copy-paste ChatGPT prompt from the guidebook.

Fonts & Colors

In this lecture you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to get a professional header and body font combination, along with a color design for the entire website.

Home Page

In this lecture we'll go through Elementor and completely redesign our home page. We'll be using ChatGPT to prompt a landing page text and a blog-section text.

Store Setup

In this lecture you'll learn how to set up your WooCommerce settings, including shipping, taxes and payment methods.

Product Page

In this lecture you'll learn how to set up and ChatGPT prompt your product page with a name and descriptions.

Blog Page

In this lecture you'll learn how to design your blog page.

Create a Blog Post

In this lecture you'll learn how to quickly and effectively create blog posts using copy-paste ChatGPT prompts. Later on in the course you'll learn how to make them SEO-friendly!

Shop & My Account Pages

In this lecture you'll learn how to design your shop and account pages, along with a ChatGPT prompt to remove the sidebar across the entire website.

Contact Page

In this lecture you'll learn how to design your contact page using Elementor and WPforms. We'll also writing the "philosophy" section using a ChatGPT prompt.

Safety & Optimizations

In this lecture you'll bullet-proof your website by making sure you've got an anti-virus, a speed booster, backups, anti-spam and a cookie notice.


In this lecture you'll learn how to navigate the back-end of your WordPress website.

Go Live!

In this lecture you'll be going live with your website, how exciting!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO Explained

In this lecture you'll learn what SEO is, and how it'll be used to drive traffic in this strategy. You'll also get an overview of what to expect in this section.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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