Develop & Master Your Intuition using the Subconscious Mind

Learn how to use science-based somatic(body) based techniques to connect with yourself to heal and make good decisions.
Fritz Macasa
2 students enrolled
Stop overthinking and slow down racing intrusive thoughts
Know whether a decision is right or wrong for you
Use effective tools to help you set healthy boundaries and say no unapologetically
Heal yourself and attract wonderful things in your life moving forward
Get to know yourself, your intuition, and your body.
Familiarize yourself with the emotions driving negative beheviour so you can stop doing them ASAP
Apply these skills to your daily life including your belief system, making decisions, energy, emotions, and finding answers.
Expertly use your own intrinsic motivation to get whatever you want in life.

You know how important it is to listen to our gut and trust our intuition BUT… how do we actually do this?

This course is going to show you exactly how!

How would your life change if you trusted yourself more?

Don’t know about you, but when I trusted myself more, I started making more money, having more satisfying relationships, and naturally made health lifestyle choices.

Don’t you want that too?

This value packed course contains simple exercises that only take 10 minutes per day while increasing the quality of your life.

Do you want to know how to:

  • Stop overthinking and slow down those racing intrusive thoughts?

  • Use effective tools to help you set healthy boundaries and say no unapologetically?

  • Heal yourself and attract wonderful things in your life moving forward?

Then this course, is right for you!

How the course flows:

  • Get to know yourself, your intuition, and your body.

  • Learn how to make decisions using your intuition and find your unique gradient when it comes to making decisions.

  • Apply these skills to your daily life including your belief system, making decisions, energy, emotions, and finding answers.

  • Familiarize yourself with the emotions driving negative beheviour so you can stop doing them ASAP

  • Expertly use your own intrinsic motivation to get whatever you want in life.

This course is what I give my exclusive 1:1 clients while working together to ensure that they have lasting results. This is what they have accomplished after putting these tools in action:

  • Communicated better with their spouse

  • Quit an unfulfilling job and start a new business

  • Consistently went to the gym with incredible changes in their physique

  • Got back together with a partner and have a stronger relationship

  • Made the most money in one year from their job

  • Healed childhood wounds and trauma

  • Became motivated to start the day

I want you to have all of these as well. When you apply the tools on a consistent basis, this is possible for you too!



Body Attunement: The Basic Principles

Reflection: YES

In this video, we test with saying "Not yes". However, if you prefer to use the word "No", you can absolutely do so. Use whatever your preference is. At the end of the day, use the words that work best and attunes to you.

Reflection: Not Yes/NO

In this video, we test with saying "Not yes". However, if you prefer to use the word "No", you can absolutely do so. Use whatever your preference is. At the end of the day, use the words that work best and attunes to you.

Practical Examples for Real World Execution

Body Attunement: The Gradient System

Action Item: How to Find Your Special Gradient Part 1
Action Item: How to Find Your Special Gradient Part 2
Action Item: How to Find Your Special Gradient Part 3
Reflection: What is Your Body Telling You?
Action Item: Putting the Gradient Together

Body Attunement: Practical and Real Life Applications

Introduction and Grounding Exercise
Warm Up
Using Our Intuition: Test the Truth of Our Beliefs
Using Our Intuition: Make Daily Decisions (Big or Small)
Using Our Intuition: Energy Levels
Using Our Intuition: Emotions like Happiness and Anger
The Power of Asking Ourselves Questions and Putting it All Together

Core Distressing Emotions

Recognizing Your Triggers
Intro to the Emotional Scales

Here are the Core Distressing Emotions mentioned in this video:

  • Shame

  • Guilt

  • Abandonment

  • Rejection

  • Isolation

  • Change

  • Betrayal

  • Injustice

  • Humiliation

Reflection: Emotional Scales
The Ranking System
Action Item: Your Unique & Dynamic Emotional Scale
The Top 3 and Bottom 3
Real Life Applications
What to Do When a Trigger Happens in the Moment

Core Drivers

Action Item: Your Unique and Dynamic Driver Scale

Here are the Core Drivers that were mentioned in this video:

  • Safety

  • Love/Connection

  • Significance

  • Growth

  • Variety

  • Charitable Contribution

Reflection: The Top 3 and Bottom 3
Understanding the Driver of Our Behaviours
Real Life Application: Setting Boundaries
Real Life Application: Honouring Yourself
Putting in all Together: Applying these Skills in Daily Life
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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