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Interview Your Job Candidates with AI Virtual Hiring Manager

Interview candidates, write job description, write interview questions, do resume screening, and talent sourcing with AI
Christ Raharja
2,279 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Learn how AI can be used to automate and speed up recruitment process
Learn how to interview job applicants using Greet AI, Talently AI, and Easy Hire
Learn how to set up one way interview using Hireflix and D-ID
Learn how to create technical assessment for coding interview using Codeaid
Learn how to find most qualified candidates using Holly Hires AI
Learn how to find do talent sourcing using Each Hire
Learn how to write job description and interview questions using Careers AI
Learn how to write job description and interview questions using Hire Hoc
Learn how to write interview questions using Trio
Learn how to write job description using Logic Balls
Learn how to conduct resume screening using Hire Lake AI, Lisa Recruiter, and CV Grader
Learn about ethical considerations for AI recruitment and candidate’s privacy

Welcome to Interview Your Job Candidates with AI Hiring Manager course. This is a comprehensive tutorial for human resources professionals, hiring managers, and recruiters to automate recruitment processes using AI tools. This course will give you a whole new perspective about the future of hiring and talent acquisition. You will be fascinated by how far artificial intelligence has advanced in the past few years to the point where you can use AI to write job descriptions, write interview questions, automatically generate insights from candidate’s resume, conduct live interviews with AI virtual recruiters, and even do a fully automated coding or technical assessment. In the introduction session, you will learn how Ai can help you to automate and speed up the recruitment process by outsourcing some of the repetitive work to AI. Then, you will continue by learning to find qualified job candidates with AI. You are going to use Holly Hires AI and Each Hire to approach the top talents in the industry. Afterward, in the next session, you will learn to write job descriptions and interview questions using AI tools like Careers AI, Hire Hoc, Trio Dev, and Logic Balls. Then, you will also learn how to scan a candidate’s resume and automatically generate valuable insights from the resume using AI tools like Hire Lake AI, Lisa Recruiter, and CV Grader. Those AI tools will enable you to find top talents in the industry by automatically filtering the candidates that match with skills, qualifications, and working experience that you specify in the job description. After finding the right candidates, you will continue the process by setting up an interview, you will learn to interview your candidates using an AI virtual recruiter which means that you don’t have to be present during the interview, instead you only need to share the interview invitation to each candidate. For this task, you will use AI tools like Talently AI, Greet AI, Easy Hire, and Hireflix.. In addition to the interview session, if you are a tech recruiter, most likely, you will need to set up a coding interview to test your candidate’s programming skills, therefore, in the next session, you will learn how to create technical assessment using Codeaid IO. Lastly, at the end of the course, you will learn about the ethical considerations and candidate’s privacy. We are going to have discussions regarding informed consent, data retention policies, data security, algorithmic bias, compliance with policy regulations, data ownership, and sharing policy.

Firstly, before getting into the course, we need to ask this question to ourselves, why should we utilise AI for the recruitment process? Well, there are many reasons why, firstly you will be able to automate a lot of repetitive tasks by outsourcing those tasks to AI, let me give you an example. There are five hundredths of candidates applying for the job, how long will it take you to read and analyse resumes from each candidate? Maybe days or even weeks, however, by using AI to scan and automatically find the top talents by matching their skills with the required qualifications, you will be able to save a lot of your time. Besides that, AI will also help you to make a better and data driven decision when it comes to deciding which candidate to hire. Last but not least, integrating AI to the recruitment process can also improve the overall recruitment experience for both candidates and recruiters.

Below are things that you can expect to learn from this course:

  • Learn how AI can be used to automate and speed up recruitment process

  • Learn how to find most qualified candidates using Holly Hires AI

  • Learn how to find do talent sourcing using Each Hire

  • Learn how to write job description and interview questions using Careers AI

  • Learn how to write job description and interview questions using Hire Hoc

  • Learn how to write interview questions using Trio

  • Learn how to write job description using Logic Balls

  • Learn how to conduct resume screening using Hire Lake AI, Lisa Recruiter, and CV Grader

  • Learn how to interview job applicants using Greet AI, Talently AI, and Easy Hire

  • Learn how to set up one way interview using Hireflix and D-ID

  • Learn how to create technical assessment for coding interview using Codeaid

  • Learn about ethical considerations for AI recruitment and candidate’s privacy


Introduction to the Course
Table of Contents
Whom This Course is Intended for?

AI Tools & Resources

AI Tools & Resources

How Can AI Automate Recruitment Process?

How Can AI Automate Recruitment Process?

Finding Qualified Job Candidates with Holly Hires AI

Finding Qualified Job Candidates with Holly Hires AI

Finding Top Talents with Each Hire

Finding Top Talents with Each Hire

Writing Job Description & Interview Questions with AI

Writing Job Description & Interview Questions with Careers AI
Writing Job Description & Interview Questions with Hire Hoc
Writing Interview Questions with Trio
Writing Job Description with Logic Balls

Resume Screening with AI

Resume Screening with Lisa Recruiter
Resume Screening with CVgrader
Resume Screening with Hire Lake AI

Interviewing Job Candidates with Talently AI

Interviewing Job Candidates with Talently AI

Interviewing Job Candidates with Greet AI

Interviewing Job Candidates with Greet AI

Interviewing Job Candidates with Easy Hire

Interviewing Job Candidates with Easy Hire

Interviewing Job Candidates with Hireflix

Interviewing Job Candidates with Hireflix

Coding Interview with Codeaid

Coding Interview with Codeaid

Ethical Considerations & Candidate's Privacy

Ethical Considerations & Candidate's Privacy

Conclusion & Summary

Conclusion & Summary
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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