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Microsoft Power Automate (Flow) Crash Course

Learn how to create workflows using Microsoft Power Automate from ground zero
Alireza Aliabadi
26,188 students enrolled
English [Auto] More
Creating Workflows using Microsoft Power Automate Flow
Connecting different solutions to SharePoint Online
Calling Flows from external sources
Creating workflow triggers and actions with Flow
Controlling flow using conditions
Querying records using OData in Microsoft Flow
Sending Office Forms data to Microsoft Flow

Power Automate (formerly known as Microsoft Flow) is the new generation of Microsoft automation tools on Microsoft cloud. With this technology Microsoft is trying to make automation more accessible to the people who actually understand and live with the business process than techies to live and breath technology and quite often not so familiar with the business process.

This course is designed form beginners with no experience with Power Automate and upon completion of this course you will be able to create workflows using Power Automate that can solve real life automation challenges. Although the course is designed for beginners, the content is suitable for people with strong technical background that are willing to start with Microsoft Power Automate.

The course focuses on field experience and using the technology in day-to-day basis rather than just demos. Clear explanation is given for every step of the work assuring you well understand the work you do and can transfer the knowledge to your day-to-day job. Clear explanation of Microsoft Power platform guarantees your understanding of all elements you need to learn and all the licensing requirements are clarified right in the beginning of the course.

The course includes lectures, quiz and a final project that puts all the course knowledge together for a real life example of using Power Automate.

Introduction, prerequisites and course road map

Introduction to Power Automate

Welcome and introduction to the course

Who can benefit from this course?

The course target audience and prerequisites.

What is Power Automate?

A review on Microsoft Power platform and understanding the basics of Power Automate.

Hello World using Power Automate

Let's create a tiny Flow using Power Automate and point out Trigger, Action and Connectors.

Licenses and tools you need for this course
Warm-up with Power Automate

Let's build our first Flow in Power Automate together :)

Course Road Map

Let's have an overview on what we are going to learn in this course.

Working with Power Automate Trigger

Understanding different types of Power Automate triggers

In this lecture we learn about different types of triggers we have in Power Automate.

Manually firing a Power Automate Flow

In this lecture you will learn how to use manual flow trigger with added fields. You will also run your first Flow from Power Automate mobile app.

Instant Power Automate triggers that we don't cover in this course
Firing Power Automate Flow on schedule

In this video you will see how to create a Flow that is fired on a calendar with intervals.

Power automate automated triggers

In this lecture we create a Flow that monitors a SharePoint library and sends an email when a file is added to the library.

Checking an e-mail arrival in a mailbox using Automated trigger

In this lecture we use a trigger that is fired when an e-mail gets to a mailbox.

What is next?

Working with Power Automate actions

Create your first Flow that interacts with SharePoint online
Make real use of a very simple Power Automate Flow

This is a real life example of using what we have learned so far

Retrieving all items in a SharePoint list

In this lecture we will learn how to get all items from a SharePoint list using Power Automate Get Items action

Why do we need OData in Power Automate?

In this video you will describe a scenario in which we need OData

Learning OData syntax

In this lecture we learn the basic OData filters and use them in Power Automate Flow.

OData Limitations and Sort

In this lecture we review some of the limitations of OData in Power Automate. We will also see how to sort the content that we receive from other sources using OData sort feature.

Get Items vs Get Item - Finding list item by ID

So far we learned how to get all items in a list based on some filter criteria. In this lecture we learn how to get a specific item assuming that we have the item ID.

Deleting and Updating list items in Power Automate
Test your knowledge

This is a small quiz to test your knowledge about Power Automate basic actions

Working with Power Automate Data types and Variables

Why do we need variables?

This is a quick introduction to why we need variables in Power Automate

Let's create our first variables
Set vs Increment/Decrement vs Append

In this lecture we learn how to work with different variable actions in Power Automate.

Append to an array

An introduction to arrays in Power Automate followed by append function

Working with Object variables

In this lecture, we create an object variable and assign a JSON object to it. Then we learn to use "Parse JSON" to read the object properties.

Test your knowledge

Working with Flow Control Actions

Working with conditions

In this lecture we learn how to use Condition action and select different flow paths based on the received value.

Working with Flow Switch

This lecture is a demo of Switch control

Working with "Apply to Each"

In this lecture we learn how to use "Apply to each" to navigate through all items in an array.

Working with "Do Until" loop

Now we can have a loop with counter.

Scope and Error Handling - Problem definition

The first section of error handling.

Error handling - Basic features

In this lecture we learn about "Configure run after" and go through a simple example

Error handling - Solving the problem
Working with approval requests

In this lecture we learn how to create an approval request and send it to more than one approver simultaneously

Branching the flow for different simultaneous approval requests

In this lecture we learn how to create two approval requests and send them to two approvers at the same time in two parallel branches.

Test your knowledge

This is the test of your knowledge in Flow control actions

Power Automate Security

Introduction to Power Automate Security
Adding co-owners to the Power Automate Flow

In this lecture we learn about how to add co-owners to the flow and the impacts of it to other access levels.

Working with Run-only users

This is an important chapter. In this lecture we will learn about giving a user to run a Power Automate Flow without giving access to open the Flow for edit.

Test your knowledge

Time to test your knowledge on Security

Working with Excel files

Introduction to Power Automate and Excel
Refresh your Excel knowledge
Calling Flow from Microsoft Excel

In this lecture we create a Power Automate Flow that we call directly from Microsoft Excel and we pass table row as parameter to Flow

Insert/Delete/Update Excel content from Power Automate Flow

In this lecture we create an excel file with a table inside it. Then we user Power Automate to insert, delete and update the rows in the table.

Reading table rows in Excel

In this lecture, we connect to a table in Microsoft Excel and read the table content from Power Automate Flow

Creating a table inside Microsoft Excel and reading the content

In this lecture we use Power Automate to convert an Excel range to a table and then read the content from the table in the same Flow.

Test your knowledge

See how much you can remember from Excel interactions

Working with Office Forms

Introduction to Office Forms

Let's have a quick review on Microsoft Office Forms before we get into connecting it to Power Automate.

Capturing Office Forms submitted form using Power Automate

In this lecture we create a form that can anonymously capture the values from a user and insert it to a secure SharePoint list.

Real life Flow scenarios and future steps

Planning our future steps
Project definition
Design and initial setup
Solution to final project - 1
Solution to final project - 2

Let's create the schedule for the Flow and finish the course

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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