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Great Writing with ChatGPT | A Complete Hands-on Guide

As a prompt engineer in ChatGPT, write high-quality blogs, emails, marketing copy, and more. Tons of powerful prompts!
Luke Priddy
622 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Craft and iterate prompts to get consistently solid results
Build multi-step writing workflows for specific use cases
Learn to use prompts that can generate repeatable results at scale (for doing tasks in bulk)
Fine-tune instructions to match your unique writing style (or any other style)
Specify style and tone according to your purpose and the context
Use iteration productively, rather than trying to iterate garbage
Create a custom well-organized prompt library for any task
Use ChatGPT as an elite proofreader/copyeditor capable of high-level feedback
Implement evaluation guidelines within ChatGPT to get more accurate and consistent results
Organize unstructured writing according to a standard or template (like ‘The Elements of Style’)
Summarize and synthesize large sets of information and repurpose it according to your needs (with or without a template)
Brainstorm and develop ideas using ChatGPT as a thoughtful (or critical) interlocutor
Repurpose content across formats, including videos to articles
Automate writing tasks (hello, Zapier) using the ChatGPT API

How many times have you found yourself knee-deep in generic ChatGPT results, spending more time reworking than it would have taken to just work from scratch? Whatever happened to the promise of AI tools bringing us productivity without sacrificing quality?

The fact is this: Getting great writing results with ChatGPT isn’t just possible…it’s actually pretty easy. But only with the right approaches, the right prompts, and a deep understanding of how to truly become a curator with a vision in the era of AI.

That’s the focus of this course. Broadly, you will learn to become a prompt engineer and create your own prompt library filled with multi-step prompts that give you great results for whatever you may need to write. No more generic results!

On this journey, you’ll discover the three powerful writing approaches that deliver on every front: quality, accuracy, consistency, versatility, and more. We’ll go over the specific multi-step prompts to build an intuition for when to use a given approach, and how to combine them as needed, whether you’re crafting professional emails, persuasive cover letters, insightful articles, blogs, meticulous performance reviews, succinct meeting notes, compelling business proposals, empathetic customer service responses, razor-sharp presentation outlines, engaging scripts…literally whatever!

Note: For most of the course, we will be working in GPT-4 from OpenAI, but most of what we cover can be applied to GPT-3.5 and Bard (with varying results). This is not a technical course, meaning that no coding skills are required.

This course is NOT a theoretical lecture series—it’s jam-packed with real-world examples from beginning to end. This way of learning will be critical in mastering the approaches and building your own prompt library. You’ll get your hands dirty with a treasure trove of innovative prompts, learning to utilize them effectively and shape them to your unique needs.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Craft and iterate prompts to get consistently solid results

  • Fine-tune instructions to match your unique writing style (or any other style)

  • Build multi-step writing workflows for specific use cases

  • Learn to use prompts that can generate repeatable results at scale (for doing tasks in bulk)

  • Specify style and tone according to your purpose and the context

  • Use iteration productively, rather than trying to iterate garbage

  • Create a custom well-organized prompt library for any task

  • Use ChatGPT as an elite proofreader/copyeditor capable of high-level feedback

  • Implement evaluation guidelines within ChatGPT to get more accurate and consistent results

  • Organize unstructured writing according to a standard or template (like ‘The Elements of Style’)

  • Summarize and synthesize large sets of information and repurpose it according to your needs (with or without a template)

  • Brainstorm and develop ideas using ChatGPT as a thoughtful (or critical) interlocutor

  • Repurpose content across formats, including videos to articles

  • Automate writing tasks (hello, Zapier) using the ChatGPT API

So, what are you really getting from this course? Essentially, it’s a blueprint for becoming a prompt engineer for all writing use cases. By the end of the course, you will have everything you need to get great results.

This is how you transform ChatGPT into your personal, turbo-charged writing assistant.

Are you ready to unleash the power of ChatGPT? Ready to enter the AI era fully equipped to create whatever your mind can dream up? If so, sign up now.

See you in the course!


Getting Started

Course Overview

Gain a comprehensive understanding of course objectives and structure. Explore key topics and skills covered. Learn about the course format and available resources. Get a glimpse of the expected benefits and outcomes upon completion.

Core Principles

Discover core principles for effective writing in ChatGPT—essential for high-quality output. We’ll focus on big-picture things to continually keep in mind when working with AI tools like ChatGPT. We will also focus on how to approach writing style and tone for different contexts and audiences. The goal? To take full advantage of ChatGPT's capabilities while maintaining a human touch.

Three Main Approaches

Outlines and Knobs

Harness the power of outlines for longer well-structured writing. In this lesson, we will focus on writing a full blog post. Fine-tune your style, tone, and more with ChatGPT's adjustable "knobs." Combine outlines and knobs for precise refinement and impactful content creation. This approach is one of the best to get compelling and polished writing.

Building from Templates

Unlock efficiency and consistency with content creation by leveraging tailored templates. This approach is most useful for repetitive tasks, or content with a similar structure but different content each time. We will explore the example of a customer service email. Learn to customize templates for a unique touch that suits your needs. By the end, you will know how to adapt templates for different platforms and purposes, including optimized social media and marketing copy.

The Star Trek Computer

Experience an iterative process with ChatGPT, refining writing back and forth for optimal results. We will go over how to provide the necessary information and context to get accurate and useful writing for all kinds of use cases. There is real power in the iterative approach because you can then use the output as a template, serving as a foundation for similar tasks. We will explore a specific example prompt for crafting a cover letter with ChatGPT in the role of ‘computer’.

Exploring ChatGPT Prompts for Writing Use Cases

Building a Resume or CV

Craft a compelling resume or CV with help from your expert AI career specialist. Highlight your skills and achievements effectively. Tailor each section, as well as the style and format, to stand out to potential employers. Better yet, customize 20 different resumes without sacrificing quality.

Creating a Social Media Post or Marketing Copy

Craft engaging social media posts and persuasive digital marketing copy using the template approach. Adapt this to your needs to fit your style, and once you find that perfect fit, that perfect post or script that feels like ‘you’, lock it in! Now ChatGPT is your highly-qualified writing assistant.

Generating Content for a Presentation

Generate impactful content for presentations using ChatGPT as a specialist in any given field, or perhaps a teacher’s assistant for a lazy teacher who simply can’t be bothered. Structure your presentation effectively for clarity and coherence. We will look at requesting different levels of input from ChatGPT, depending on the situation. This is where ChatGPT becomes a ‘gap filler’ adding insightful bits for whatever is missing from a given template. It’s really cool!

Coming Up with Great Questions for an Interview

Leverage ChatGPT to generate insightful and thought-provoking interview questions…or use it to create questions, ideas, titles--many things. This is where the iterative approach really shines, particularly when we make use of clear verb-oriented instructions to hone results. In the specific examples we cover, create questions that highlight your qualifications, experience, or anything else.

Integrating SEO Keywords Into a Blog Post

Craft engaging social media posts and persuasive digital marketing copy using ChatGPT's capabilities as an SEO expert and copywriter. Learn to discover and integrate potential keywords, and adapt your writing style for different platforms and target audiences. This is truly powerful and the possibilities are endless.

Crafting a Structured Meeting Agenda

Let ChatGPT help you plan your meetings. Essentially, it’s like hiring a personal assistant who can help get things done, leaving you more time to focus on gazing wistfully out the window and thinking profound thoughts. In this lesson, we will work on building an agenda by defining objectives, defining topics to be discussed, and how much time each topic needs. At the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to gaze out of the window and ponder all the other ways you might use ChatGPT as a personal assistant.

Interactive RPG Storytelling!

Use ChatGPT to make your stories come to life. Create characters and worlds and make them interactive… this can be a great way to make custom adventure games for your kids and other role-playing situations. But with this interactive approach, imagine writing scripts, blog content, RPG campaigns, dialogue for stories…the possibilities are literally endless. Let’s get creative!

Turning Notes Into a Business Report

Transform your notes into professional business reports using ChatGPT's formatting expertise. Utilize the ‘Outlines and Knobs’ approach to refine your content as needed. This is a highly scalable approach to creating polished final content.

Writing Performance Reviews Conversationally

Generate structured performance reviews with the "Star Trek Computer" approach and learn the key to overcoming those repetitive tasks that would be much easier to talk through (we will be using speech-to-text). In this lesson, we will go over how to do tasks within tasks, ensuring that ChatGPT doesn’t get confused. Adapt this method for various tasks requiring unique content that follow a particular order. Better yet, make it a conversation.

Creating YouTube Descriptions and Titles in Bulk

Efficiently generate YouTube descriptions and titles in bulk with ChatGPT as a ‘copy generating machine’. That sounds very rigid, but if done correctly, it isn’t. Whether you’re creating YouTube descriptions (the example we cover in this lesson), marketing copy, or a bunch of similar social media posts, a flexible template can be achieved with the right instructions and steps. Ensure consistency and relevance across your content. This is the tip of the iceberg and perhaps the biggest time saver we will look at in the entire course.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Repurposing Videos for Anything

Think of ChatGPT as your multipurpose tool for turning transcripts into fresh content for any need. It's not just about reusing content; it's about exploring new ways to present information. With ChatGPT, you can take any transcript and reshape it for a completely different purpose - a blog post, an article, or even a script. Thinking about all the applications of this makes my head spin.

Responding with Full Context

Unleash ChatGPT's potential for customer service interactions by providing responses with full context. Enhance customer support with personalized and informed responses at scale. But more broadly, start thinking of background/context prompts as a powerful way to get highly-relevant results that don’t require constant tweaking. It’s a great way to ensure comprehensive and contextual interactions. Again, what we’re creating is a knowledgeable agent who knows what you want them to know.

Automating Writing Tasks in Zapier

In this lesson, learn to integrate ChatGPT with Zapier (using an OpenAI API Key) to automate all kinds of writing tasks. We will go over the example of auto-responding to messages using a very simple workflow, but that’s really just the beginning. Combining automation with the approaches we’ve covered in the course gives you superpowers. You can generate detailed, organized notes based on a stream-of-consciousness voice recording you made on a walk, create time-based triggers to engage communities, generate email drafts to colleagues, and review them when you have time…it’s amazing!

Crafting Your Prompt Library

A well-organized prompt library can be a game-changer in your writing workflow. With ChatGPT, you can create and structure such a library, using platforms like Notion for easy access. This way, you have a treasure trove of prompts at your fingertips, ready to be incorporated into your writing processes. If you put in the work to build specific prompt flows that work for you, everything you need to do will get much easier.

Ideation with ChatGPT

A Soapbox Rant on Mindset

Dive deep into the fascinating dynamics between us humans and our AI language model counterparts. It's a dance of adaptability and the artful curation of content in this new AI-driven era. We will delve into mindset shifts that can help you tap into the full potential of AI language models, allowing you to evolve with the times.

High-velocity Brainstorming with ChatGPT

Get ready to supercharge your brainstorming sessions with ChatGPT! There is a childlike eagerness to work through even your dumbest inspirations, and that can be really useful. Working with ChatGPT is like having an idea factory on your phone or computer, ready at the push of a button. But it’s more than just simple idea generation. Productive ideation also comes down to those ideas, how to shape them, and how they then fit into the more involved approaches we’ve covered in this course. Let's turbocharge your creative process and get the brain juices flowing.

Summoning a Thoughtful Interlocutor to Develop Ideas

Picture having a business partner or co-founder ready at a moment's notice to help you cultivate your ideas (or criticize them). In this lesson, we'll explore how to do just that by summoning a thoughtful interlocutor using ChatGPT. This isn't just a one-way conversation; expect to challenge positions, spot potential issues, and foster creative problem-solving. Also, spoiler alert, my Co-founder GPT has made me realize I’m not ready to start a food truck.

Feedback and Editing in ChatGPT

Correcting Grammar and Spelling

Transform ChatGPT into your own personal Grammarly, including basic revisions and suggestions for your writing, as well as grammar and spelling corrections. This lesson is a straightforward warm-up for more involved methods.

Proofreading and Full Revisions

Let's step up your writing game with ChatGPT as your professional proofreader. From fixing grammar errors to polishing sentence structure and improving voice, we’ll look at how to iterate and polish writing. Plus, we'll walk through how to get a breakdown of changes to understand what exactly has been modified. This can ensure the final result fully aligns with your goals.

High-level Feedback and Revisions

In this lesson, you'll learn how to take a poorly-worded proposal and polish it into a professionally-crafted version. From garbage to gold. You'll follow a simple two-step process that covers corrections and high-level feedback, ensuring the final result achieves your initial goals.

Checking Writing Against a Standard (The Elements of Style)

In this lesson, learn to improve writing skills and receive feedback using specific methodologies or frameworks. We’ll look at an example of checking writing against guidelines from "The Elements of Style,” including a score breakdown. The applications of this approach extend far beyond writing feedback.

Course Wrap-up

In this final lesson, let's recap what we've learned working with ChatGPT throughout the course, and talk about what's next as you continue your journey as a full-on prompt engineer.

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