Its Never About The Food

How to Finally Feel Free From Your Emotional Eating
Learn how your Health House is build
The 3 key principles to have a thriving health and wellbeing
How to shift your food mindset and eating behaviors.
The root cause of your food cravings
The difference between the sugar you need and the one you want
What to do when the emotional cravings arrive (that actually works)
How to get back into the CEO role of your body and health

This is a course designed with neuroscience-based exercise you will discover the reality about your emotional eating and practical, simple, and super effective practices to change your habits and neuro pathway default decisions, giving you the opportunity to take control of your health and life from a place of empowerment and trust.

Take it at your own pace, please know there is no right or wrong way to do this course. I want you to trust that you are getting exactly what you need to get! Some exercises are deep emotionally, please be gentle with yourself. We are going to start a healing journey on a path that has been with you for decades.

You will have a mix of videos, exercises, and reminders throughout the program to help you anchor the concepts and allow you to feel each day that you are making progress on your path to finally start feeling free from your emotional eating!

I am honored to walk this journey with you, as a recovered sugar addict I know it may seem impossible sometimes, but I am here to tell you that when we start looking at the root cause and finally understand it is never about the food a whole new world opens in front of us!


Welcome to this 14 day Challenge to feel free from your emotional eating

What to expect for the first 5 Days

Let's Go!

How to Fill Our Emotional Tank

Learning about our Emotional Tank

Inwards and Outwards Love

When your emotional Tank is full you don't need to emotionally eat!

Why Water is one of your most fragile habits?

Water and why is a daily need

Create your 911 Team

We all need a 911 Team

Congratulations on Your PROGRESS you are half way there!

You Are Halfway, Learning what FREEDOM looks like

The Power of Learning to say NO unapologetically

The power of NO

My Board of Advisers

Let's build your board of advisors

You will learn how you can STOP sugar binging at any time

5 Steps to STOP Emotional Eating

Taking Responsibility for MY JOURNEY!

What is Responsibility and how connects with my Journey

We are talking about a sensitive topic today, are you ready? Let's Go!!!!

Responsibility is the ability to respond to and constructively deal with whatever is in front of us. Help us to take ownership and empower ourselves to feel we are in control over our lives.

By now halfway through the 2nd week here is a summary of our journey together:

*You started by going deep into connecting your dots and finding the correlation between foods, feelings, and memories

*You learned about your health house foundation and why if those 4 layers are not strong no matter what diet you do, you will eventually struggle and go in circles

*You created a plan to fill your Love tank

*You created your own personal 911 team

*You celebrated your progress (No matter how it looks like)

*You learned a hack to stop your emotional cravings

*You designed your board advisers in a way that supports and empowers YOU

Claim Your CEO chair Back

Claiming my CEO Role


Course Correction in our Journey!

As we reach the end of our incredible journey together, it's time to reflect on how far we've come and celebrate your remarkable achievements. ?

Completing this program is not just a farewell; it's a stepping stone towards a brighter, healthier, and more self-aware future. You have embarked on a journey to conquer emotional eating, nurture your relationship with food, and reclaim control over your life.

Remember that this is not an ending but a new beginning. The tools, knowledge, and insights you've gained are yours to keep, nurturing your personal growth and guiding you towards a happier and healthier life. ?

As you step out into the world, carry your accomplishments with you proudly. You have the power to rewrite your story, make mindful choices, and live your life with newfound freedom. Continue to lean on the resilience and strength that you've discovered during this journey.

I am incredibly proud of you, please remember this is a journey and requires daily commitment and action! Only 1% better than yesterday will transform your life in ONE YEAR!

Thank you for being a part of this transformational program.

I am wishing you all the love, strength, and success in your ongoing adventure.

Let's make some magic together

Your Coach Jo Peters

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!

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