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Learn from Lloyd: How to Read a Person Like a Book

A Beginner's Numerology Course
Lloyd Strayhorn
4,539 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Students will learn the basics of Numerology and how numbers apply in their everyday lives, as determined from the name and date of birth.

    Perhaps the least known of the metaphysical sciences, Numerology is without question, one of the easiest of the occult branches to easily learn and master: It’s simple, the numbers only go from 1 to 9, and over 95% of the techniques used in Numerology is addition.

     My, How to Read a Person Like a Book, online Numerology course, takes you step-by-step through the basics.  You’ll learn the fundamentals of any person’s name numerically, and how to discover their strengths and weaknesses, as well as your own. More importantly, take your time. The course is designed to go at your own pace.  Whether you complete the course in a day, a week or a month, it doesn’t matter. The endgame is that you learn the basics of Numerology and the amazing role that numbers play in your life. My companion book to the course, “Lloyd’s Numbers and You, Workbook”, is available on Amazon, to help you along.

    By course completion, the ultimate goal is that you have a working understanding of applying Numerology in everyday life.  Practice and more practice will put on the path to an amazing experience into the magical world of Numerology and numbers.  For more information, google LLoyd Strayhorn

Learning the Name

Course Overview
The Power of Your Name

Lesson 1 is getting to know the power of your name and it’s magical attraction. It’s the secret to the understanding others in amazing ways. Welcome to the world of Numerology.

Lecture 2: Laying Out the Name

Lesson number 2 is the art of laying out the name by transposing each letter into numbers. Each number have their significance as determine by the name you were given at birth or presently use now.

Lecture 4: Meaning of Numbers

Lesson number 3 gets to the heart of what each of the numbers mean in a general way from one to nine. Both positive and negative meanings are given. The key is to look for what number or numbers are repeated the most in the name.

Lecture 4: The Table of Traits

Lesson number 4 is designed for you to get to know yourself in ways that open your eyes to your strengths and limitations. You’ll get to know about others in this way also.

Lecture 5: The Planes of Expression

Lesson number 5 is about finding the level of life you function best. Are you a down-to-earth person? Are you business-minded? Perhaps you’re a sensitive, creative, and artistic soul. This part of the lesson is to help you find which of these levels best suit you.

Learning the Birth Date

Lesson 6: Reading the Birthday

Lesson number 6 begins with “why” you’re here. Your mission, your purpose, your destiny. Things you need to learn, know and master for your personal journey in this life.

Lesson 7: Closer Look at Destiny Numbers

Lesson number 7 goes further into your birthday, which your destiny number is derived. It’s teaching you the observation of reading the birthday like reading the name.

Lesson 8: The Major Life Cycles

Lesson number 8 takes it to the next level of your birthday that guides you through your formative, productive, and harvest years, and how they affect you.

Lesson 9: Universal and Personal Cycles

Lesson number 9 speaks of the Universal and Personal Year Cycles that no one can avoid. It tells or suggest your best times to take advantage of the flow of things and times it’s best to wait for another time.

Lesson 10: Astrological and Numerical Correlations

Lesson number 10 teaches the synchronicity between the sciences of Numerology and Astrology. This section gives the basics as how they both correspond by way of the planets that rule them.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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