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Modern Astrology – Reading Techniques

Make the move from hobbyist to astrologer
Damian McKinnon
66 students enrolled
English [CC]
Some of the key skill needed to provide an astrology reading for a client
An overview on the reading process and the key elements that we should provide
Techniques for structuring and delivering an astrology reading for a client we have not met
Different client types and how to work with each type effectively
How to build versatility into your readings without losing your place
Various cheat sheets on how to deliver a service as a reader and to grow your reading business

For many, the gap between reading for family or friends and reading for paying clients seems like an impossible distance.

This mini course focuses on bridging this gap, helping you to make the transition from hobby astrologer to professional astrology reader. It will fill in many of the knowledge gaps that rob many astrologers of the confidence they need to begin taking on clients.

This course helps us to understand our role as an astrologer, how to communicate more effectively, it introduces us to the general client types that will approach us for readings and introduces strategies on how to pre-empt and work with these differing client groups.

We’ll also explore how to introduce structure and flexibility into the way you read, giving you the versatility you need to meet the demands of different clients and this builds confidence. We discuss different reading techniques and examples are provided so you can explore the process first-hand.

Cheat sheets are included for your reference, covering topics as diverse as working with individual client types to setting up your space or marketing your business.

If your dream is to become an astrology reader but that dream always seems to be just out of reach because of confidence or a knowledge gap, then this course has you covered.

Welcome to Modern Astrology – Reading Techniques


Course Overview

Welcome to Reading Techniques! This short course is designed to challenge and improve your astrology reading skills and client work. Let's take a moment to look at the course ahead.

Living Document

This course has existed on a concept level for some time, and is intended as a living document. It will grow based on feedback and need.

Working With Clients

Welcome To Reading Techniques!
Client Overview

Working with clients is both the most challenging and most rewarding part of our role as an astrologer. Let's take a look at the topics covered in this section.

Reading Is Counselling

Make no mistake - providing a professional astrology reading for a client is a form of counselling and, as such, requires preparation and focus.

Communication Techniques

Communication is easily the most important tool in our arsenal as a reader. Let's take a look at some communication techniques you can incorporate into your astrology work.

Broad Client Types

Let's take a look at three general client types you're likely to come across in your adventures as a professional astrology reader, and discuss how to work with them.

Resources - Cheat Sheets

I've attached a bunch of cheat sheets that touch on the content covered in this section. They cover skills that not only enhance your astrology readings - they work in real life too ;)

My suggestion is to pick a cheat sheet and pick a skill on that list to work with in your daily life. Use opportunities with family, friends and co-workers to develop and grow your communication skills and you will inevitably see an improvement in the quality of your client work.

Communication is never mastered - there's always room for growth. Take advantage of every day to raise the quality of how you interact with the people in your life.

Structuring Your Reading

Readings Overview

We'll look at how to structure a general and a specific reading in this section and will explore a more unusual method to help unlock complex patterns of behavior.

Structuring A Reading

If your reading tend to go a little haywire then this section is for you. We discuss how to build a basic reading template and how to stay on mission.

The Core Of Your Reading

We build directly on the previous lesson and go deeper by looking at the anatomy of an example reading.

Specific Readings

If your client has a specific question then there's no need to take it from the top. How to start your reading in the middle and build out.

The Current

Sometimes your client is their own worst enemy with a pattern of behavior that is self defeating. Let's learn how to spot and unpack these patterns.

Resources - Personal Audit

This printable audit sheet is for you.

It's going to ask you to take a look at the astrologer you are right now - your strengths, your limitations, your potential and your future and to rate yourself. Think of it as an exercise to build your own astrology Ascendant - the version of yourself that the world sits down with and receives a reading from.

There is a guide on the last page of the document (you don't need to print this page) and it will show you how to get the most out of this questionnaire. Take the time to get to know yourself right now and the you you can become.

Course Completion - Short Quiz

This short quiz caps off this entire course. 5 questions - let's go!

Final Course Resources

This set of printable cheat sheets build on the practical sides of your astrology reading business.

From pricing strategies to marketing, from setting up your home space to deliver readings to working with clients online. This section has you covered.

Course Debrief
Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You've reached the end of the course. Let's take a moment to debrief and to pat you on the back ;)

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.9 out of 5
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