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Pendulum Divination Foundation Course

Use a pendulum for intuitive development, guidance and healing
Tamara Pitelen
8 students enrolled
Understand the power and potential of pendulum dowsing
Learn how to choose, hold, programme and cleanse your pendulum
Practise asking 'yes' or 'no' questions with your pendulum
Learn how to use charts for getting guidance on topics like what foods, supplements, or exercises are best for you
Understand why you get inaccurate answers... and how to fix that
Learn how to properly connect to your higher guidance
Learn how to word questions for best dowsing and divination responses

Whether you’re new to divination and dowsing, are seeking guidance, or simply curious, this beginner’s course is a starting point for learning how to use a pendulum for spiritual guidance and divination, personal healing, inner growth, and channelling intuitive messages.

The pendulum is one of the most commonly used tools for divination and dowsing and has been around for thousands of years. The art of using a pendulum is something that anyone can learn and master. This simple yet profound tool has the power to radically and quickly transform your life for the better.

It can be for spiritual guidance, making decisions, answering questions, and cleansing negative energy.

This course lays down the foundations for becoming proficient in pendulum dowsing. As well as providing you with a grasp of the basics, you will begin developing the practical skills that can be applied in your personal and spiritual journeys.

We start with the basics, simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions and basic dowsing charts. Charts provided in this course include:

  • Yes, No and Other charts

  • A percentages chart

  • A balance chart

  • A ‘which fruit is best for me’ chart

  • A blank chart for writing in your own selection of items or subjects

The only limit to what you can explore with pendulum dowsing is your imagination. Initially, we practise on simple subjects like discovering which foods do and don’t suit you best. Moving forward we can find a lost piece of jewellery or get guidance on anything from choosing the best job to finding the right partner. Your pendulum can help with all of this… but this is just the start. As you build your pendulum skills, you can influence and transform the very molecules of reality. In combination with your conscious intention, a pendulum is a tool you can use to shape reality and create the life you would prefer to live for your highest good.

The pendulum is a tool for:

  • Developing your ‘inner tutor’ or intuition

  • Connecting to your higher self for divine guidance

  • Accessing information in your subconscious mind and the universal mind

  • Clearing emotional blocks and negative energy… and much more.

This course is designed to get you started by opening the door to the incredible world of pendulum dowsing and divination.



Hello and congratulations!

Well done for investing in this course on pendulum divination, or dowsing, because this simple yet profound tool has the power to radically and quickly transform your life for the better.

Why should you bother learning how to dowse with a pendulum? Because it gives you easy and quick access to all the information and knowledge in the Universe.

Let that sink in for a minute because it’s a huge statement. So I'll say it again.

 A pendulum gives you easy and quick access to all the information and knowledge in the Universe.

The Universe is made of energies, frequencies, vibrations… like a radio with a million different stations. Using your pendulum, you can connect to any of these frequencies or energies. Think of it like turning a dial to scan for a particular radio station channel.

The pendulum is one of the most commonly used tools for divination and dowsing. The art of using a pendulum is something that anyone can learn and master. It is a tool of divination and is used for spiritual guidance, making decisions, answering questions, and cleansing negative energy.

We start with the basics, simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions and basic dowsing charts. This way we can find out which foods suit you best; find a lost piece of jewellery; or get guidance on anything from choosing the best job to finding the right partner, your pendulum can help… but this is just the start. As you build your pendulum skills, you can use it transform your reality. You can use a pendulum, in combination with your conscious intention, to influence create the life you would prefer to live for your highest good.

Your pendulum is a key to unlocking the secrets that are already within you as well as connecting to your higher self for divine guidance. It gives you access to your subconscious mind, which is in charge of 95% of all your actions, behaviours, thoughts, feelings, and decisions. Your conscious mind is responsible for just 5% of your life.

I’ve been using a pendulum for about 25 years and I have made every mistake in the book along the way. Some of these mistakes I’ve repeated many times. From asking the wrong type of question, to asking inappropriate questions, or asking the right question but phrasing it the wrong way, to not being properly centred and grounded, to being too emotionally attached... and more.  I’ve learned the hard way by falling into all the traps and pitfalls of pendulum dowsing. But I have also had the most incredible validations and guidance, far too many to mention but I’ll give some examples throughout this course.

More importantly, I’ve used my pendulum to receive the most profound and beautiful, not to mention helpful or reassuring information. I’ve also done healing sessions for others using my pendulum as well as used my pendulum to gain access to divine guidance from my friends and guides in Spirit.

Why wouldn’t you want to know how to do this?

So, let’s get started. In the next few videos, we’ll do the housekeeping basics of pendulum dowsing and then we’ll get you doing some basic dowsing.

What is pendulum dowsing and divination?

What is dowsing?

Also known as divining, dowsing is one of the oldest skills knowns to humans. The British Society of Dowsing state that, ‘Dowsing is to search, with the aid of a handheld tool, for that which is hidden from view or knowledge.’

Dowsing is an ancient practice that has continued for many thousands of years. This reflects the fact that it was traditionally known as water divining and was a commercially important means of locating water and minerals, but it is often used today to detect a much wider range of apparently ‘unknowable’ information, from medical diagnosis to the location of lost objects, to archaeology.

The pendulum as a dowsing tool

In the simplest terms, a pendulum is a symmetrical, weighted object that is hung on a piece of string, chain or cord for ease of swinging. A pendulum can be made from metal, glass, wood, stone, crystal, or any other material that has some weight to it.

It’s also possible to use objects such as a favourite trinket, a bead, a metal ball, a wedding ring, or even a key.

The pendulum is a very simple tool and one that lets the user tune in to their intuitive powers. The pendulum acts as a receiver and transmitter of information,  and moves in different ways in response to questions.

But there is so much more to a pendulum than this.

On a deeper level, a pendulum is a metaphysical tool for connecting with your inner guidance system, or with the elements, with the frequencies and vibrations of the universe. It is a psychic tool for spiritual development, for internal and external transformation, for energy healing and more.

Dowsing tools like pendulums, or L rods, are not imbued with special powers. The dowsing tool is an amplifier of the real dowsing instrument -- which is YOU!

The sole purpose of a dowsing tool like a pendulum is to amplify the minute involuntary neuro-muscular reactions of the body to a stimulus. In the same way that an antenna will strengthen the signal picked up by the radio, by holding a pendulum you are extending your antenna to receive a clearer signal [thanks to Elizabeth Brown's book Dowsing: The Ultimate Guide for the 21st Century, published by Hay House, for this analogy].


How does it actually work? It works with the micro muscular movements of your hand that connect to your subconscious mind. This is called the ideometer response - I’ll talk more about that. And your subconscious mind is connected to your intuition, which is connected to the collective consciousness, or universal mind, and to the energy field of the Earth, and to other spiritual workings. How communication with these other energies is communicated and translated, is through tiny involuntary muscular movements.

Now, when someone is telling a lie, they have a whole range of unconscious physical responses that they cannot control. Maybe an eye twitch, or a quick face touch, or slightly more rapid breathing as their heart beat quickens. This is your subconscious ‘communicating’ loud and clear to anyone who knows how to read these signals. It’s similar with a pendulum. It is an extension of you, your energy field, your subconscious mind. It makes the invisible, visible.

When you ask a question of the pendulum, it is your own intuition that answers it. The pendulum is simply a tool that allows you to physically see what your intuition already knows.

At the simplest level, you can use it to get yes or no answers to find out what foods or vitamins are best for you but it can also be a valuable tool for healing work and connecting with the Spirit world.

Connection and the Ideometer Response

Getting started with your pendulum

Choosing your pendulum
How to hold your pendulum
Cleansing and storing your pendulum
Programming your pendulum
Preparing to work
Preparing to work Grounding meditation

When you're first starting out with your pendulum, it's critical that you're able to get into the best headspace for focus and concentration. We want to centre and ground ourselves before we start working with our pendulums. This meditation is designed to help you get into that centred and grounded headspace. After a while, you will be able to centre and ground within seconds but you need to train yourself for that, which is what you're doing with this meditation.

Intention and permission
The right and wrong way to word your questions
Why you get inaccurate answers

Practising with your pendulum

Practise exercises 1 and 2
Practise exercise 3: The deck of cards
Using the Percentages Chart
Using the Balance chart
Using the fruit chart and DIY chart
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