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Statistics for Business Analytics: Data Analysis with Excel

Improve your Statistics & Analysis Skills. Enhance your Business and Data Analytics with Statistical Modelling & Excel.
Diogo Alves de Resende
640 students enrolled
English [Auto] More
Comprehend the fundamental concepts and principles of statistics and their application in business analytics
Complete several data analysis projects in Excel to demonstrate mastery of statistical concepts and business analytics skills
Perform data analysis using Excel and apply statistical methods to business problems
Utilize Excel to perform hypothesis testing and make decisions based on business data
Analyze business data using descriptive and inferential statistics in Excel
Construct and interpret statistical models to make informed business decisions
Implement regression analysis in Excel to predict future trends and make data-driven decisions
Utilize data analytics techniques to analyze large datasets and extract meaningful insights
Evaluate real-world business scenarios and critically assess the use of statistical models and data analytics
Analyze data using linear regression techniques in Excel to make predictions and understand relationships

Data is everywhere and plays a crucial role in the success of businesses across all industries. As the world becomes more and more data-driven, the demand for professionals who can effectively analyze and interpret data is growing rapidly.

If you’re ready to take your place at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly evolving field, “Statistics for Business Analytics: Data Analysis with Excel” is the course for you!

This comprehensive online course is designed for anyone looking to develop their skills in data analysis, statistical modeling, and business analytics. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance your career, this course will provide you with the knowledge and hands-on experience you need to succeed.

With its engaging curriculum, practical case studies, and supportive community, this course is the perfect opportunity to build your skills, advance your career, and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing landscape. Here are four reasons why you should take this course:

1  | Course Relevance – Stay Ahead of the Curve in a Data-Driven World

In today’s business world, having a solid understanding of statistics and data analysis is more important than ever. This course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in business analytics, helping you stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing landscape.

2 | Skills Gained – Master Data Analysis, Statistical Modeling, and Business Analytics

In this course, you’ll gain a deep understanding of data analysis, statistical modeling, and business analytics. You’ll learn how to use Excel to perform data analytics, how to apply regression analysis and hypothesis testing, and how to make informed decisions based on your data analysis.

3 | Case Studies and Practice Activities – Apply Your Skills to Real-World Problems

One of the best ways to learn is by doing, and this course includes a range of case studies and practice activities to help you apply your skills to real-world problems. Whether you’re working through a case study or practicing data analysis in Excel, you’ll have the chance to put your newfound skills into action.

4 | Q&A Support and Instructor Engagement – Get the Help You Need When You Need It

Learning can be challenging, but you don’t have to go it alone. The Q&A and student communities are great places to get help and connect with others. I am also available to answer any questions you have and provide support as you progress through the course.

In conclusion, “Statistics for Business Analytics: Data Analysis with Excel” is the perfect course for anyone looking to build their skills and advance their career in business analytics. With its comprehensive curriculum, practical case studies, and supportive community, you’ll gain the skills and confidence you need to succeed in today’s data-driven business world.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your career. Enroll in “Statistics for Business Analytics: Data Analysis with Excel” today and start your journey to becoming a data analysis expert.


Statistics for Business Analytics: Data Analysis with Excel
IMPORTANT: Download Course Material
CASE STUDY - Statistics in the FAANG Companies

Introduction to Statistics

Game Plan for Introduction to Statistics
Types of Variables
Types of variables

The purpose of this quiz is to test your understanding of the different types of variables, including quantitative and qualitative, continuous and discrete, and nominal and ordinal. In order to correctly analyze and interpret data, it is important to understand the properties of different types of variables and how they can be used in research. This quiz will help you to identify the characteristics of different types of variables and understand how to classify them based on their properties.

Population vs Sample
Population vs Sample

Welcome to the quiz on the topics of population and samples in statistics! Understanding the differences between populations and samples and how to properly select and analyze them is an essential skill in statistical analysis and data-driven decision-making, particularly in the field of business. In this quiz, we will test your knowledge of the concepts of population and samples and their applications in business life. Let's get started!

Case Study Briefing
Measures of Central Tendency

The mean, also known as the average, is a measure of central tendency that is calculated by adding all the values in a dataset and dividing by the number of values. For example, in the dataset {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, the mean is 3 because (1+2+3+4+5)/5 = 3. The mean is useful for describing the central tendency of a dataset and can be used in a variety of applications, including business. In business, the mean can be used to calculate things like the average sales per customer or the average employee salary. It is important to be aware that the mean can be affected by extreme values or outliers in a dataset, so it may not always be the most appropriate measure of central tendency.

EXCEL: Median

The median is another measure of central tendency, similar to the mean and mode. It is the middle value in a dataset when all the values are arranged in numerical order. If there is an even number of values in the dataset, the median is calculated by taking the mean of the two middle values. The median is useful for describing the central tendency of a dataset because it is not affected by extreme values or outliers, unlike the mean. In business, the median can be used to analyze and interpret data, such as customer expenditure or employee salaries.


Welcome to the quiz on the statistical concept of mode! The mode is a measure of central tendency that describes the most frequently occurring value in a dataset. It is an important concept in statistics and can be used in a variety of applications, including business. In this quiz, we will test your knowledge of the mode and how it is used for business purposes. Understanding the mode and how to calculate it can help you to make informed decisions using data and to effectively analyze and interpret statistical information. Let's get started!

CHALLENGE: EXCEL - Central Tendency
Standard Deviation
EXCEL: Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation

Welcome to the quiz on the topics of standard deviation and variance in statistics! Standard deviation and variance are measures of dispersion, or how spread out the values in a dataset are. These concepts are important in statistical analysis and data-driven decision-making, particularly in the field of business, where they can be used to understand and analyze data about things like customer expenditure, employee performance, and market trends. In this quiz, we will test your knowledge of standard deviation and variance and their applications in business life. Let's get started!

Coefficient of Variation
EXCEL: Coefficient of Variation
Normal Distribution
EXCEL: Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution

Welcome to the quiz on the topics of standard deviation and variance in statistics! Standard deviation and variance are measures of dispersion, or how spread out the values in a dataset are. These concepts are important in statistical analysis and data-driven decision making, particularly in the field of business, where they can be used to understand and analyze data about things like customer expenditure, employee performance, and market trends. In this quiz, we will test your knowledge of standard deviation and variance and their applications in business life. Let's get started!

EXCEL: Covariance

Covariance is a measure of the relationship between two variables. It helps to understand how one variable is affected by changes in another variable. In business, understanding the covariance between different variables is important for making informed decisions. For example, the covariance between the sales of a company and the marketing budget can help determine the most effective marketing strategies.

EXCEL: Correlation

Correlation is an important statistical concept that helps to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables. It is a key tool in statistical analysis and has numerous applications in various fields, including business. Understanding the concept of correlation is essential for making informed decisions based on data analysis.

This quiz will test your knowledge of correlation and its applications in business. The quiz consists of four questions, each with four options. Choose the correct answer and explain why it is the correct choice.

Key Statistical Concepts

Understanding statistical concepts and their application in various business fields such as finance, marketing, leadership, and operations is crucial for making informed decisions and understanding data-driven trends. This practice test aims to test your knowledge on these concepts and help you improve your understanding of their applications in different business aspects.

The practice test consists of 10 quiz questions that are a mix of multiple choice with up to 4 options each or in the format of true or false. The questions focus on the application of statistical concepts such as mean, median, population, sample, types of variables, covariance, normal distribution, standard deviation, correlation and covariance in various business aspects. For each question, the right answer and an explanation for each incorrect option is provided.

Good luck!

CASE STUDY: Sports Analytics in Basketball

Confidence Intervals

Game Plan for Confidence Intervals
Case Study Briefing
Standard Error of the Sample Mean
EXCEL: Standard Error of the Sample Mean
Standard Error of the Sample Mean

Welcome to the Standard Error of the Sample Mean Quiz! In this quiz, you will be tested on your understanding of the concept of the standard error of the sample mean and its applications in a business setting. You will be presented with five multiple-choice questions that will test your knowledge of the formula, interpretation, and relationship of standard error with other concepts. The quiz is designed to help you understand how to use the standard error to draw conclusions about a population mean from a sample mean and also it will help you to understand the importance of standard error when conducting statistical analysis in a business context. Good luck!

Z-score and Standardization
EXCEL: Z-score and Standadization
Z-score and Standardization

Welcome to the Z-score quiz! The Z-score is a statistical measure that can be used to understand data distribution, identify outliers, and make predictions. In this quiz, we'll be testing your knowledge of the Z-score and its applications in business. Each question will consist of four options, and you'll need to select the one that you believe is the correct answer. Good luck!

Confidence Level
EXCEL: Confidence Level
Confidence Level
Confidence Interval with Large Samples
EXCEL: Confidence Interval with Large Samples
Confidence Interval with Large Samples

Welcome to the confidence interval quiz for large samples! This quiz is designed to test your understanding of the concepts and calculations related to constructing and interpreting confidence intervals for population means when working with large samples. Please select the answer that you believe is correct and I will explain why that is the correct answer. Good luck!

CASE STUDY: Guinness Beer and the T-student distribution
Confidence Interval with Small Samples
Degrees of Freedom
EXCEL: Confidence Interval with Small Samples
Confidence Interval with Small Samples

Test your understanding of confidence intervals with small sample sizes in this quiz! You'll be presented with questions that cover topics such as the relationship between sample size and margin of error, the effect of sample size on the width of a confidence interval, and how to calculate a confidence interval for a small sample. Brush up on your statistics skills and see how well you can apply them to real-world scenarios with small sample sizes.

Confidence Intervals
Your feedback is valuable

Hypothesis Testing

Game Plan for Hypothesis Testing
CASE STUDY: Improving Amazon Fashion Product Returns using Business Analytics
What is Hypothesis Testing?
Hypothesis Testing

Welcome to the quiz on hypothesis testing! Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to evaluate a hypothesis about a population parameter. It is an essential tool in data analysis and helps us make decisions based on evidence. In this quiz, you will be tested on your knowledge of the different steps involved in hypothesis testing, including formulating the null and alternative hypotheses, selecting the appropriate test statistic, and interpreting the results. Whether you are new to hypothesis testing or just need to refresh your knowledge, this quiz will provide you with a good understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques. Let's get started!


Welcome to the P-value quiz! This quiz will test your knowledge on one of the most important concepts in statistics, the p-value. The p-value is a probability value that helps to determine the significance of a hypothesis test. It is the probability of obtaining a test statistic at least as extreme as the one observed, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. By the end of this quiz, you will have a better understanding of how the p-value works and how it is used in hypothesis testing and business decision making. So let's get started!

Type I and Type II errors
Type I and Type II errors

Welcome to the quiz on Type I and Type II errors! In this quiz, you will be tested on your understanding of these important concepts in statistical hypothesis testing. You will be given a series of multiple choice questions that will assess your knowledge of the definitions, examples and the relationship between Type I and Type II errors and the Confusion Matrix. You will also be asked about the impact of confidence level on Type I and Type II errors.

It is important to understand these concepts to analyze the accuracy of your models and to make better decisions based on your data.

This quiz is designed to test your understanding of these concepts, so be prepared to think critically and use your knowledge to answer the questions correctly. Good luck, and have fun!

CASE STUDY: Publication Bias in Statistics
How to test your hypothesis? (Known Variance and 2-Tails)
EXCEL: How to test your hypothesis (known Variance and 2-Tails)
How to test your hypothesis? (unknown Variance and 2-Tails)
EXCEL: How to test your hypothesis (known Variance and 2-Tails)
Paired T-Test (2-Tails)
Excel: Paired T-Test (2-Tails
Two Sample T-Test (2-Tails)
Excel: Two Sample T-Test (2-Tails)
Two-tailed tests

Welcome to the Two-tailed Tests Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your understanding of different types of two-tailed tests, including z-tests, one-sample t-tests, paired t-tests, and two-sample t-tests.

These tests are commonly used in statistical analysis to determine if there is a significant difference between two groups or samples. Understanding when and how to use these tests is important for making informed decisions in various fields such as business, finance, and research.

This quiz will include a mix of true/false and multiple-choice questions, and the correct answers will be provided along with an explanation of why they are correct. Let's begin!

One-tailed tests
EXCEL: One-tailed tests part 1
EXCEL: One tailed tests part 2
One-tailed Hypothesis Testing

Welcome to the world of one-tailed hypothesis testing! Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test? In this quiz, you'll be answering questions related to one-tailed hypothesis testing and its applications. You'll be challenged to think about the difference between one-tailed and two-tailed tests, the concept of confidence levels, and how to apply one-tailed hypothesis testing in real-world scenarios.

Whether you're a student, a researcher, or a professional statistician, this quiz is an excellent way to refresh and enhance your understanding of one-tailed hypothesis testing. So, grab a calculator, a pen, and a piece of paper, and let's get started! Good luck!

Regression Analysis

Game Plan for Regression Analysis
Linear Regression
EXCEL: Scatterplot
EXCEL: Linear Regression
Linear Regression Statistics and Output
EXCEL: Linear Regression Statistics and Output
Dummy Variable Trap
EXCEL: Linear Regression with Dummy Variables
Linear Regression

Welcome to the Linear Regression Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your understanding of the concepts and techniques of linear regression. You will be presented with a series of multiple-choice questions that will assess your ability to apply linear regression to real-world business scenarios. The quiz will cover topics such as scatterplots, coefficients, and linear regression statistics. By the end of this quiz, you should have a solid understanding of how to use linear regression to make predictions and analyze data. So, are you ready to put your skills to the test? Let's begin!

CASE STUDY: Linearity Bias in Statistics and Business Analytics
Multilinear Regression
EXCEL: Multilinear Regression
Under and Overfitting
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